Nobody likes a bully… especially small business marketers. If you’ve ever felt like the little guy taking punches from a heavyweight champion, you know what I’m talking about. Big business has donned its gloves, and is waiting to put small business down for the count.
I’ve got good news! Sometimes the little guy wins. Heck, it isn’t easy and sometimes it’s a close call, but little guys do win and when they do… victory is sweet!
What can you do when you’re being threatened by the bully down the street?
1. Take a careful look at the Competition
Every business has its strengths and weaknesses. You need to be aware of both… your competitors strong points, and the places where room for improvement is quite obvious.
2. Be Flexible
Don’t expect your competitor to broadcast his next move so that you can be prepared to block it. You’ve got to think a step ahead, and be ready to outsmart his next maneuver.
3. Use a little Judo
You don’t have to be big and brawny to successfully use Judo. Why? It’s an art that uses your opponent’s momentum to trip him up. So what if you don’t have thousands of dollars to invest in a campaign. When you’re competition has invested his tens of thousands in one, you’ll be able to make a quick about turn and counteract quickly with a smaller campaign of your own. He’ll either forfeit his investment or continue through, but loose steam.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret about your competitors that might encourage you. Although big businesses often have a wide variety of products filling their shelves, they often don’t have depth.
Think about it this way. You may run to your local department store and find everything ranging from make-up to camping equipment. The problem with that? …chances are they don’t have an extremely wide assortment of their products.
This means that if you’re an avid outdoorsman, you probably wouldn’t be satisfied choosing between two cheap brands of tents when there is an amazing variety on the market. An outdoor related store could get one over on the big department store by offering the widest variety of fewer products in a focused field.
Another asset about being the small guy, is that it’s easier to make a quick turn. Hey, how many managers do you have to get okays from to make a quick decision? Think of the weeks it takes for a local department store to send a request from a customer for a certain product to the regional or national management? Yeah, too long!
As a small business, you can have a new product on your shelves within a week. If I were a customer wanting a new tent, I’d prefer to not wait until summer was half over to get it.
There are a lot of benefits to being the small guy. Don’t take bullying lying down. You have what it takes to get the best end of the stick and come out a winner.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
3 Reasons You Should Attend Seminars
If you have never gone to an online marketing seminar, you're missing out.
I know what you're thinking...
"Seminars are expensive."
That's true. They are. Some of 'em cost over $5,000. Even the lower-priced parties are around $2,000.
"It's a pain in the butt to attend."
Again, that's fair. In order to go, you have to get on a plane and fly somewhere. And you have to take time from your work and family to do it.
But, there are at least 3 reasons that attending seminars should be on your priority list (even if you DON'T plan to do a major product launch).
1. You Are Surrounded By Like-minded People.
Scoff if you want. But, I'm telling you, there's huge POWER in being around folks who are driven to the same goal as you are.
To this day, my friends and family don't really get what I do. They nod their heads and smile, but I can tell their eyes are glazing over.
Well, picture being at a party with a few hundred people who not only know what you do... they do it, too! You'll be amazed at how inspiring that can be.
2. You Meet People Who Inspire And Drive You.
I know it sounds flighty. But, when you're downing drinks with someone and sharing strategies back and forth about what's working, your mind ignites.
You find yourself wishing you'd brought your laptop so you can start taking action that moment!
And here's something better... you exchange phone numbers (yep, remember that thing you used to use before becoming a recluse?) and follow up with each other.
That's accountability, baby and it can drive you to major success.
3. You Remove Yourself From The Daily Routine.
Ever wake up and have trouble getting your engine started? (I'm not talking about your car here.) And if you ever DO get the thing to turn over, you can't seem to get any speed?
It happens to me all the time. I'll wake up and the day will pass without my having done one truly productive thing! It stinks.
I'll tell you why it happens to me...
I get bored of my routine! Now, don't get me wrong. Routines are good. In fact, they're CRITICAL to your success. Humans need routine.
But, it's JUST as important to get OUT of your routine. And going to a seminar does that for you. It makes you leave your boring daily routine behind.
Going to a seminar can give your brain (and motivation) the jump-start it needs.
Last Thoughts
I'm not trying to sell you on a seminar here. I'm only trying to get you to think about going to one.
There are a lot of benefits to going. Benefits that aren't always clear until you're there, in the hallways, in the bars, at lunch... talking with folks who are doing EXACTLY what you are doing.
It's empowering. It's inspiring. And chances are, one you attend a seminar, you'll be excited to go to another.
I know what you're thinking...
"Seminars are expensive."
That's true. They are. Some of 'em cost over $5,000. Even the lower-priced parties are around $2,000.
"It's a pain in the butt to attend."
Again, that's fair. In order to go, you have to get on a plane and fly somewhere. And you have to take time from your work and family to do it.
But, there are at least 3 reasons that attending seminars should be on your priority list (even if you DON'T plan to do a major product launch).
1. You Are Surrounded By Like-minded People.
Scoff if you want. But, I'm telling you, there's huge POWER in being around folks who are driven to the same goal as you are.
To this day, my friends and family don't really get what I do. They nod their heads and smile, but I can tell their eyes are glazing over.
Well, picture being at a party with a few hundred people who not only know what you do... they do it, too! You'll be amazed at how inspiring that can be.
2. You Meet People Who Inspire And Drive You.
I know it sounds flighty. But, when you're downing drinks with someone and sharing strategies back and forth about what's working, your mind ignites.
You find yourself wishing you'd brought your laptop so you can start taking action that moment!
And here's something better... you exchange phone numbers (yep, remember that thing you used to use before becoming a recluse?) and follow up with each other.
That's accountability, baby and it can drive you to major success.
3. You Remove Yourself From The Daily Routine.
Ever wake up and have trouble getting your engine started? (I'm not talking about your car here.) And if you ever DO get the thing to turn over, you can't seem to get any speed?
It happens to me all the time. I'll wake up and the day will pass without my having done one truly productive thing! It stinks.
I'll tell you why it happens to me...
I get bored of my routine! Now, don't get me wrong. Routines are good. In fact, they're CRITICAL to your success. Humans need routine.
But, it's JUST as important to get OUT of your routine. And going to a seminar does that for you. It makes you leave your boring daily routine behind.
Going to a seminar can give your brain (and motivation) the jump-start it needs.
Last Thoughts
I'm not trying to sell you on a seminar here. I'm only trying to get you to think about going to one.
There are a lot of benefits to going. Benefits that aren't always clear until you're there, in the hallways, in the bars, at lunch... talking with folks who are doing EXACTLY what you are doing.
It's empowering. It's inspiring. And chances are, one you attend a seminar, you'll be excited to go to another.
3 Reasons Why The Copy You Hate Will Bring Profits You Love
Every copywriter's nightmare. We write beautiful copy for a client, who takes one look and says, "You can't be serious! This is too sales-y...or too simple...or too different..."
And I'm reminded of the days, many years ago, when I volunteered as a Pet Adoption Counselor with the San Francisco SPCA. Looking back, I must have been training for what I do now. I had lots of enthusiasm. People often teased, “You’re selling cats!” Sure enough, many visitors went up with a crate holding a furry bundle of joy.
Our Volunteer Coordinator kept reminding us, “Don’t judge the visitors. You’re not going home with this person. The adopter who drives you crazy may be the best thing that ever happened to a dog.”
And copy works the same way. We don’t judge our friends the way their dogs and cats do. And we don’t read our copy like our own customers.
I tell my own clients, “You may not like this copy. But you’re not the target market, even if you think you resemble your clients.”
Here are 3 reasons why.
1. Customers live on a different planet.
If you hang around the Internet, you develop a unique lifestyle. For instance, some of my best friends are people I’ve never met. We exchange emails and phone calls for years. My favorite web designer is an American living in Brazil.
And you hear the same promises over and over. “Bring traffic to your website.” “Attract all the clients you can handle.”
But if you’re targeting ordinary people (i.e., those who have actually met their best friends in person), many of our ho-hum phrases will seem fresh and exciting.
“Hype-free marketing? I like that,” purred an earth-dwelling prospect recently. “That’s a whole new way of looking at marketing.”
Your world may not be the Internet. Maybe you live fitness, coaching, cooking, or finance. But chances are your familiar phrases will seem fresh and exciting to your target market.
2. Customers want to be sold.
They know you’re not putting up websites and creating brochures so you’ll feel good and collect gold stars for your Permanent Records.
And if they want your service, they’re looking for reasons to say “yes.” Think of all those Madison Avenue ads with the theme, “You deserve it.” Or, “You’re worth it.” They’re giving us permission to spend our money.
As long as you’re tasteful and – drum roll – meeting their real needs, your customers will actually appreciate learning about what you offer.
Recently I was pitching my services to “Frank,” a prospective client who sells fitness services. Hesitantly, I referred him to a website I’d written for “Tom” – a financial professional who was terrified we were selling way too hard.
Frank was impressed. “This isn’t the least bit pushy. It’s so warm and friendly! Tom sounds like such a nice guy.”
We’re still talking. But when Frank sees his own fitness site, I bet he says, “Um – do you think we’re selling too hard?”
3. Customers don’t want to stop and think.
Some words and phrases slow us down. For some good examples, pick up your college textbooks and maybe a couple of academic journals. You’ll see words like “moreover,” “counterintuitive,” “although,” and more. (I know. I wrote many.)
How did you read your college textbooks? I bet you read slowly, made marginal notes and hung on tight to your yellow highlighter pen.
Alas, website visitors don’t study our copy the same way. We have to help them create highlights and move along fast.
Which gets read more:
(a) “Although you can work very hard, you may not see results for a long time.”
(b) “But you can work really hard and wait forever for results.”
Bottom Line: Expect surprises when you unveil your copy to your clients, especially if you’re new to marketing yourself and your own products. When I first wrote the title Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover, I cringed: Was my site becoming the virtual equivalent of a used car lot?
But my target market – professionals and senior executives – started buying. And the rest, as they say, is history
And I'm reminded of the days, many years ago, when I volunteered as a Pet Adoption Counselor with the San Francisco SPCA. Looking back, I must have been training for what I do now. I had lots of enthusiasm. People often teased, “You’re selling cats!” Sure enough, many visitors went up with a crate holding a furry bundle of joy.
Our Volunteer Coordinator kept reminding us, “Don’t judge the visitors. You’re not going home with this person. The adopter who drives you crazy may be the best thing that ever happened to a dog.”
And copy works the same way. We don’t judge our friends the way their dogs and cats do. And we don’t read our copy like our own customers.
I tell my own clients, “You may not like this copy. But you’re not the target market, even if you think you resemble your clients.”
Here are 3 reasons why.
1. Customers live on a different planet.
If you hang around the Internet, you develop a unique lifestyle. For instance, some of my best friends are people I’ve never met. We exchange emails and phone calls for years. My favorite web designer is an American living in Brazil.
And you hear the same promises over and over. “Bring traffic to your website.” “Attract all the clients you can handle.”
But if you’re targeting ordinary people (i.e., those who have actually met their best friends in person), many of our ho-hum phrases will seem fresh and exciting.
“Hype-free marketing? I like that,” purred an earth-dwelling prospect recently. “That’s a whole new way of looking at marketing.”
Your world may not be the Internet. Maybe you live fitness, coaching, cooking, or finance. But chances are your familiar phrases will seem fresh and exciting to your target market.
2. Customers want to be sold.
They know you’re not putting up websites and creating brochures so you’ll feel good and collect gold stars for your Permanent Records.
And if they want your service, they’re looking for reasons to say “yes.” Think of all those Madison Avenue ads with the theme, “You deserve it.” Or, “You’re worth it.” They’re giving us permission to spend our money.
As long as you’re tasteful and – drum roll – meeting their real needs, your customers will actually appreciate learning about what you offer.
Recently I was pitching my services to “Frank,” a prospective client who sells fitness services. Hesitantly, I referred him to a website I’d written for “Tom” – a financial professional who was terrified we were selling way too hard.
Frank was impressed. “This isn’t the least bit pushy. It’s so warm and friendly! Tom sounds like such a nice guy.”
We’re still talking. But when Frank sees his own fitness site, I bet he says, “Um – do you think we’re selling too hard?”
3. Customers don’t want to stop and think.
Some words and phrases slow us down. For some good examples, pick up your college textbooks and maybe a couple of academic journals. You’ll see words like “moreover,” “counterintuitive,” “although,” and more. (I know. I wrote many.)
How did you read your college textbooks? I bet you read slowly, made marginal notes and hung on tight to your yellow highlighter pen.
Alas, website visitors don’t study our copy the same way. We have to help them create highlights and move along fast.
Which gets read more:
(a) “Although you can work very hard, you may not see results for a long time.”
(b) “But you can work really hard and wait forever for results.”
Bottom Line: Expect surprises when you unveil your copy to your clients, especially if you’re new to marketing yourself and your own products. When I first wrote the title Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover, I cringed: Was my site becoming the virtual equivalent of a used car lot?
But my target market – professionals and senior executives – started buying. And the rest, as they say, is history
3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Newsletter
There are many benefits you and your business can reap from publishing your own newsletter.
1. Keeping In Touch -- Your customers and clients are the lifeblood of your business. What better way to stay in touch with your existing customers than through a newsletter? A newsletter allows you to add personal touches to your relationship and celebrate milestones, both your own and your client's. In addition to furthering your relationship with your clients, a newsletter can also allow you to introduce new products, offer special sales or discounts to your existing client base, and encourage referrals.
2. Hook In New Customers -- Unless they have an immediate need or came to you through a powerful referral, most potential customers won't buy right away. Often they will shop around and compare which means you will likely never see them again. However if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.
3. Establish Your Expertise -- No one knows more about your business than you do which makes you an expert. Likely the construction of your own business has further left you with a great deal of expertise in your field. Share your nuggets of knowledge through your newsletter to deepen your relationship with your existing customers and convince potential customers that you are the answer to their problems.
Now that I have convinced you that you need to publish your own newsletter, I want to go over a few questions that budding editors and publishers always ask.
What exactly is an electronic newsletter?
Just like their paper counterparts, electronic newsletters deliver written messages usually relating to a common theme or topic. The main difference is that an electronic newsletter transcends paper and ink and most likely only ever exists on a computer screen.
Some electronic newsletter are delivered only via email while others are delivered only on the web. Most are delivered in some combination of the two. Most of my ezines and newsletters are delivered via email but also available immediately via web page (or rather blog page) and RSS feed.
You can choose the method is most suited to you and your audience.
How do you publish an electronic newsletter?
It is much easier to start publication of your own electronic newsletter than it is to start up a print publication. You simply need to decide on a topic, name your publication and start writing. It is easy to find an audience (beyond your own customer base if you choose) through the various ezine and newsletter directories around the internet as well as going directly to the source, for example discussion boards for people interested in your topic.
You will need to determine a delivery method, which means most likely setting up your own web site or page on your existing web site; creating an archive for your issues once they are created, which could mean setting up a blog; and tracking your readers, which likely means setting up a mailing or autoresponder service. However you can use free tools to do any of these things.
1. Keeping In Touch -- Your customers and clients are the lifeblood of your business. What better way to stay in touch with your existing customers than through a newsletter? A newsletter allows you to add personal touches to your relationship and celebrate milestones, both your own and your client's. In addition to furthering your relationship with your clients, a newsletter can also allow you to introduce new products, offer special sales or discounts to your existing client base, and encourage referrals.
2. Hook In New Customers -- Unless they have an immediate need or came to you through a powerful referral, most potential customers won't buy right away. Often they will shop around and compare which means you will likely never see them again. However if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.
3. Establish Your Expertise -- No one knows more about your business than you do which makes you an expert. Likely the construction of your own business has further left you with a great deal of expertise in your field. Share your nuggets of knowledge through your newsletter to deepen your relationship with your existing customers and convince potential customers that you are the answer to their problems.
Now that I have convinced you that you need to publish your own newsletter, I want to go over a few questions that budding editors and publishers always ask.
What exactly is an electronic newsletter?
Just like their paper counterparts, electronic newsletters deliver written messages usually relating to a common theme or topic. The main difference is that an electronic newsletter transcends paper and ink and most likely only ever exists on a computer screen.
Some electronic newsletter are delivered only via email while others are delivered only on the web. Most are delivered in some combination of the two. Most of my ezines and newsletters are delivered via email but also available immediately via web page (or rather blog page) and RSS feed.
You can choose the method is most suited to you and your audience.
How do you publish an electronic newsletter?
It is much easier to start publication of your own electronic newsletter than it is to start up a print publication. You simply need to decide on a topic, name your publication and start writing. It is easy to find an audience (beyond your own customer base if you choose) through the various ezine and newsletter directories around the internet as well as going directly to the source, for example discussion boards for people interested in your topic.
You will need to determine a delivery method, which means most likely setting up your own web site or page on your existing web site; creating an archive for your issues once they are created, which could mean setting up a blog; and tracking your readers, which likely means setting up a mailing or autoresponder service. However you can use free tools to do any of these things.
3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites
The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.
The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.
The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.
The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.
The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colours and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.
With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.
The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.
Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.
There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.
The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.
The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.
The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.
The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colours and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.
With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.
The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.
Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.
There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.
3 Reasons Postcards Are The Best Way To Advertise
When I say postcard, maybe you think of the old fashioned, jagged edged dull pieces of card stock. Think again! Today's postcards are vibrant, high-impact creations with clip art so real that it'll jump off the page at you. And the best thing about them...
1. They're Short and Personal
Let's face it, people just don't have time to sort through a lot of advertisements and junk mail. If the truth be known, they immediately identify ads and pitch them into the trash without ever slitting the envelope.
Postcards get read! It's already open, and the message is "in your face" without exerting any effort to absorb it. Even if the reader isn't trying to read it, he'll get the impact of the short message before he tosses it.
Personal messages have a greater appeal than mass mailings. Postcards keep the old time charm of a personal greeting while implement new high tech marketing strategies... a combination for success.
2. They're Easy And Cost Effective
Hey even the postage for a postcard is cheaper! Go to your printer and have them print you up several thousand for 7 or 8 cents apiece. Not too bad! For about 30 cents you have a cutting edge, high impact marketing tool ready to be put to use.
You don't even have to bother with putting them in the mail. Many print warehouses will take care of it for you. Hey, what could be easier?
3. They Keep Your Marketing Strategy Hidden From Competitors
Do you get tired of spending countless hours agonizing over new marketing strategies, only the have your competitors jump right in and ape your campaign? Yeah, it's pretty frustrating, but hard to do anything about. Everything you do is right in front of them shouting "Copy Me."
Postcards are private interactions with the individuals who read them. It's a one-on-one campaign that lets you keep the results quiet from prying eyes. Heck, they won't even know what you're doing, much less how to copy it.
There's another sneak tactic that I haven't mentioned yet... using postcards to direct traffic to your Website. That's right! Most of us think we need to use Internet marketing tools to drive up our Internet sales. NOT SO! That's what everyone else is doing, but think about it. A postcard with your slogan and visible information that directs the reader to your Website... yeah, let's hope the competition doesn't catch on for quite a while!
There's not another marketing campaign that can guarantee 100 percent readership! It just makes sense that when more people read your ad, it will be more effective. Use postcards to market and count on a high response rate!
1. They're Short and Personal
Let's face it, people just don't have time to sort through a lot of advertisements and junk mail. If the truth be known, they immediately identify ads and pitch them into the trash without ever slitting the envelope.
Postcards get read! It's already open, and the message is "in your face" without exerting any effort to absorb it. Even if the reader isn't trying to read it, he'll get the impact of the short message before he tosses it.
Personal messages have a greater appeal than mass mailings. Postcards keep the old time charm of a personal greeting while implement new high tech marketing strategies... a combination for success.
2. They're Easy And Cost Effective
Hey even the postage for a postcard is cheaper! Go to your printer and have them print you up several thousand for 7 or 8 cents apiece. Not too bad! For about 30 cents you have a cutting edge, high impact marketing tool ready to be put to use.
You don't even have to bother with putting them in the mail. Many print warehouses will take care of it for you. Hey, what could be easier?
3. They Keep Your Marketing Strategy Hidden From Competitors
Do you get tired of spending countless hours agonizing over new marketing strategies, only the have your competitors jump right in and ape your campaign? Yeah, it's pretty frustrating, but hard to do anything about. Everything you do is right in front of them shouting "Copy Me."
Postcards are private interactions with the individuals who read them. It's a one-on-one campaign that lets you keep the results quiet from prying eyes. Heck, they won't even know what you're doing, much less how to copy it.
There's another sneak tactic that I haven't mentioned yet... using postcards to direct traffic to your Website. That's right! Most of us think we need to use Internet marketing tools to drive up our Internet sales. NOT SO! That's what everyone else is doing, but think about it. A postcard with your slogan and visible information that directs the reader to your Website... yeah, let's hope the competition doesn't catch on for quite a while!
There's not another marketing campaign that can guarantee 100 percent readership! It just makes sense that when more people read your ad, it will be more effective. Use postcards to market and count on a high response rate!
3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List
You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.
In fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.
So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.
Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.
1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.
Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.
The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.
2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.
While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.
3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.
Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.
Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.
In fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.
So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.
Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.
1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.
Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.
The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.
2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.
While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.
3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.
Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.
Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.
3 "No Sweat" Tactics That Ban Customer Buying Objections
There are a lot of excuses floating around about why people don't buy. Maybe you've heard some of them: it's too expensive, it's not at the top of my "must have" list right now, or even when a deals too good to be true... it's too good to be true. Customer objections are more easily overcome than you might imagine. Let's take a look at 3 simple ways to wipe out those objections.
1. It's Too Expensive.
Don't be fooled! Most of your customers can get the money to buy the product... it's not a matter of having enough. Let's face it... what they're really saying is that they can get a better deal somewhere else, or a deal that gives them a better value for their buck.
Now, don't give in to the temptation to drop your prices to "rock bottom" just because you hear them say it's too expensive. There are ways to wipe out these objections without wiping out your profits!
Make it look like a better deal. I mean, take a really good look at your product. How can you increase the perceived value? Maybe you can add a manual, a CD, or a downloadable book full of information about the product. Let them think they are getting more for their buck, and the deal seems a lot sweeter to them.
Think about this... we all expect to pay more when we visit a specialist. Sure, Wal-Mart is great if we're looking for a generic product, but when we want something from someone who knows what they're talking about we head for a market "specialist"... and expect to pay a little more as part of the deal.
How can you become a specialist who demands respect, and can get away with slightly higher prices?
" Find niches within your market to address. Hey, if you look closesly you'll discover groups within your market that stand out... businessness men and women, young mothers, retirees, etc.
" Dig in, do a little research and figure out exactly how your product relates to the special needs of these niche groups.
" Speak to them as someone in the know. Revise your sales materials to address the specific needs of each group. Let them know you understand what they want and need, and watch your profits skyrocket.
2. I Have More Important Things To Get Right Now.
Yeah, buying now doesn't seem too important until... the deal's too sweet to pass up, and you have to get it today to get the deal.
What I'm talking about is banning the option of procrastination. Really what your customer is saying is ... I have no reason to buy today. Make the deal irresistible, and put a deadline on it. It'll spur them into making the purchase a priority, NOW.
3. I'm Skeptical... It's Too Good To Be True.
Most customers have been burnt by deals that seem too good to be true... they ended up costing more than they were worth. The only way you'll ever overcome the skepticism is to build a relationship of trust.
Unconditional money back guarantees eliminate the risk of loss, and show the customer that you are truly concerned with their satisfaction.
Let testimonials speak for you. Evidence that you've delivered and gained customer satisfaction in the past goes a long way toward banning customer fears.
Be available. Customers feel like everything is okay if they can pick up the phone or send an email and get quick answers to their questions.
It really doesn't take a lot of rocket science to get through the shell of hard core customers. These 3 tips will get you off to a good start.
1. It's Too Expensive.
Don't be fooled! Most of your customers can get the money to buy the product... it's not a matter of having enough. Let's face it... what they're really saying is that they can get a better deal somewhere else, or a deal that gives them a better value for their buck.
Now, don't give in to the temptation to drop your prices to "rock bottom" just because you hear them say it's too expensive. There are ways to wipe out these objections without wiping out your profits!
Make it look like a better deal. I mean, take a really good look at your product. How can you increase the perceived value? Maybe you can add a manual, a CD, or a downloadable book full of information about the product. Let them think they are getting more for their buck, and the deal seems a lot sweeter to them.
Think about this... we all expect to pay more when we visit a specialist. Sure, Wal-Mart is great if we're looking for a generic product, but when we want something from someone who knows what they're talking about we head for a market "specialist"... and expect to pay a little more as part of the deal.
How can you become a specialist who demands respect, and can get away with slightly higher prices?
" Find niches within your market to address. Hey, if you look closesly you'll discover groups within your market that stand out... businessness men and women, young mothers, retirees, etc.
" Dig in, do a little research and figure out exactly how your product relates to the special needs of these niche groups.
" Speak to them as someone in the know. Revise your sales materials to address the specific needs of each group. Let them know you understand what they want and need, and watch your profits skyrocket.
2. I Have More Important Things To Get Right Now.
Yeah, buying now doesn't seem too important until... the deal's too sweet to pass up, and you have to get it today to get the deal.
What I'm talking about is banning the option of procrastination. Really what your customer is saying is ... I have no reason to buy today. Make the deal irresistible, and put a deadline on it. It'll spur them into making the purchase a priority, NOW.
3. I'm Skeptical... It's Too Good To Be True.
Most customers have been burnt by deals that seem too good to be true... they ended up costing more than they were worth. The only way you'll ever overcome the skepticism is to build a relationship of trust.
Unconditional money back guarantees eliminate the risk of loss, and show the customer that you are truly concerned with their satisfaction.
Let testimonials speak for you. Evidence that you've delivered and gained customer satisfaction in the past goes a long way toward banning customer fears.
Be available. Customers feel like everything is okay if they can pick up the phone or send an email and get quick answers to their questions.
It really doesn't take a lot of rocket science to get through the shell of hard core customers. These 3 tips will get you off to a good start.
2 Sure-Fire Methods Proven To Convert More Customers
If you're a marketer your number one concern is customers. You've probably read and heard a million and one ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire consmer loyalty. But the tough question is, "How do I convert prospects into customers?"
There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, "I ought to..." They're just waiting to be convinced to to do something about it. There is something you can do to get them moving!
1. Improve Your Offer
No on can pass up the deal that's "too good to resist." Think about it... how often do your customers want your product, but just want something else a little more? That leaves you with a long list of "almost sales" that have the potential to be converted into real sales and profit. Sweeten the deal. Make the offer so good they can't resist it.
Now, I'm in no way suggesting that you drop your prices to sweeten the deal. You can just as easily load it up with bonuses to increase the perceived value without cutting away at your profit. Bonuses motivate sales, maybe even more than cut prices.
Don't let them lollygag. Yeah, get them into the store pronto with a deadline. They may have to put a competitors purchase on hold to get your deal, but hey... what's wrong with that?
2. Follow Up
How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50 percent? Yeah, it sounds good! There's really a very simple tactic that you can implement... follow ups.
Chances are, prospective customers aren't going to buy your product the first time they see or hear about it. Maybe it'll be the third or fourth, but they have to hear from you that third or fourth time before they actually become a customer. Do you have a follow up system in place?
Simply contact the "almost customer" every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product they are showing interest in. It doesn't have to be an intricate process. Keeping the contact there goes a long way toward building trust... the key to finding life-long customers.
Internet Marketers experience a high number of customers who browse their site, then click away. You can't follow up without some form of contact information. A great way to gather the info you need is to offer a free ebook or informative report that consumers will find of interest. Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you have what you need to keep in contact, and work on converting them into loyal customers.
Personalize as much as possible. If you can get the firstname of your customer... great! Personalized messages have greater appeal than "addressed to occupant" messages.
There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, "I ought to..." They're just waiting to be convinced to to do something about it. There is something you can do to get them moving!
1. Improve Your Offer
No on can pass up the deal that's "too good to resist." Think about it... how often do your customers want your product, but just want something else a little more? That leaves you with a long list of "almost sales" that have the potential to be converted into real sales and profit. Sweeten the deal. Make the offer so good they can't resist it.
Now, I'm in no way suggesting that you drop your prices to sweeten the deal. You can just as easily load it up with bonuses to increase the perceived value without cutting away at your profit. Bonuses motivate sales, maybe even more than cut prices.
Don't let them lollygag. Yeah, get them into the store pronto with a deadline. They may have to put a competitors purchase on hold to get your deal, but hey... what's wrong with that?
2. Follow Up
How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50 percent? Yeah, it sounds good! There's really a very simple tactic that you can implement... follow ups.
Chances are, prospective customers aren't going to buy your product the first time they see or hear about it. Maybe it'll be the third or fourth, but they have to hear from you that third or fourth time before they actually become a customer. Do you have a follow up system in place?
Simply contact the "almost customer" every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product they are showing interest in. It doesn't have to be an intricate process. Keeping the contact there goes a long way toward building trust... the key to finding life-long customers.
Internet Marketers experience a high number of customers who browse their site, then click away. You can't follow up without some form of contact information. A great way to gather the info you need is to offer a free ebook or informative report that consumers will find of interest. Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you have what you need to keep in contact, and work on converting them into loyal customers.
Personalize as much as possible. If you can get the firstname of your customer... great! Personalized messages have greater appeal than "addressed to occupant" messages.
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